PTSA Mission

We are an all volunteer organization that has a powerful voice for all children, that continually thrives to be a relevant resource for all our families and the surrounding community, and consistently acts as a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.

The PTSA accomplishes this mission by:

  • Speaking on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children;
  • Supporting parents* in developing skills to raise, protect and advocate for their children;
    Encouraging parent*, teacher, student and community involvement;
  • Promoting opportunities for positive outcomes for children; and
  • Being a financially stable, well-managed organization that promotes diversity, provides quality service, models best practices and values its members and employees.

* Parent may include adults who play an important role in a child’s family life because other adults (grandparents, aunts, uncles, or guardians) may carry the primary responsibility for a child’s health, welfare, education and safety.

Executive Board 2024-2025

Heather Ben-Zvi
Tanya Rynders

Vice Presidents, Hillside School
Angela Ries
Bessie Wilkerson

Vice Presidents, Farragut Middle School
Abbie Montgomery Steger
Rachel Ratcliffe

Vice Presidents, Hastings High School
Tammy Black
Kefira Wilderman

Vice President of Hospitality
Lisa Heinlein

Kate Adlin-Bommarito

Vice President of Communications
Emma Sollars

Graphics Communication
Julie Torrisi-Coffey

Vice Presidents of Fundraising
Anne Gunton
Kerry Price
Elizabeth Pinkava

Laura Sanzel

Recording Secretary
Stacey Merchant

Grants Officer
Amanda Wright

Faculty Advisor
Greg Smith

Tara Werner